Camera compactă Sigma DP2x, preţ şi disponibilitate

Deşi Sigma a anunţat majoritatea detaliilor pentru noua cameră Sigma DP2X încă din februarie, informaţiile legate de disponibilitatea acesteia, atât ca moment în timp cât şi ca preţ, nu au fost publicate decât recent.

Se ştie acum că acest high-eng compact de la Sigma, DP2X va disponibilă spre finalul lui Aprilie 2011 la un preţ de 800 USD. Camera se laudă cu un sensor de 14 megapixeli FOVEON X3 care ar fi de 2 ori mai mare decât senzorii de alte camere foto cu dimensiuni similare. Camera are controale manuale complete pentru majoritatea opţiunilor, suport pentru format RAW şi un nou algoritm de autofocus care promite că livrează un AF de foarte mare viteză. Toate acestea sub o lentilă fixă de 24.2 mm cu F2.8.

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Sigma Corporation Announces Pricing and Availability of DP2x Compact Camera

Updated 14-megapixel camera now features Analog Front End and high-speed auto focus

RONKONKOMA, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Sigma Corporation of America (, a leading researcher, developer, manufacturer and service provider of some of the world’s most impressive lines of lenses, cameras and flashes, today announced pricing and availability for the company’s new DP2x compact camera.

The camera, which will be available for purchase in late April for the MSRP of $800, is the successor to Sigma’s DP2 and DP2s cameras.
The DP2x continues to feature the 14-megapixel FOVEON X3® direct image sensor (2,652× 1,768× 3 layers), and will now also include Analog Front End (AFE) and high-speed auto focus. AFE is also used in the DP1x compact digital camera and SD15 DSLR and converts full color data, which the FOVEON X3® capture system records, into a digital signal. This enables the camera to reproduce high-definition and richly colored images. In addition, the new AF algorithm provides high-speed auto focus, ensuring convenient shooting.

„The DP cameras have been extremely popular with Sigma’s camera users, and we know that they will be very pleased with the latest enhancements to our DP2 series,” said Mark Amir-Hamzeh, president of Sigma Corporation of America.

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About Sigma Corporation

For 50 years, Sigma Corporation’s expertise and innovation has driven the company’s core philosophy of „knowledge, plus experience, plus imagination,” with an emphasis on producing high-quality, high-performance photographic technology at moderate prices. This family-owned organization is the largest, independent SLR lens manufacturer in the world, producing more than 50 lenses that are compatible with most manufacturers, including Sigma, Canon, Sony, Nikon, Olympus and Pentax. Sigma Corporation also produces digital SLR cameras and high-definition digital compact cameras. The company is headquartered in Japan, with offices strategically located throughout Europe, Asia and North America. For information, please visit 

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