motorola xoom 2

Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi la vânzare din 27 Martie

motorola xoom 2

Motorola s-a decis să confirme zvonurile şi să anunţe oficial că noul Motorola Xoom cu Wi-Fi va fi disponibil în magazine la $599 USD începând cu 27 Martie 2011.  Anunţul vine la scurt timp după succesul relativ mare pe care l-a avut lansarea iPad 2, iar Motorola a decis să lucreze mai bine la capitolul disponibilitate aşa că această tabletă va fi disponibilă în multe reţele de vânzare, inclusiv Amazon, Best Buy, Costco, RadioShack, Staples şi Walmart.

Tableta de la Motorola bazată pe Android 3 – Honeycomb are o singură facilitate lipsă, posibilitatea de conectare 3G sau 4G pe care Xoom-ul original le avea, iar în rest avem practic de-a face cu aceaşi platformă hardware: microprocesor Tegra 2 de la NVIDIA de 1GHz, 1GB de RAM, 32GB storage, o cameră cu autofocus de 5 megapixeli, toate sub un display de 10.1 inch cu rezoluţie de 1280 x 800.  Cu toate acestea, lipsa conectivităţii mobile scade preţul tabletei cu câteva sute de dolari, deci pentru cei care pot să împartă conexiunea pe care o au deja pe telefonul mobil, sau care frecventează zone cu disponibilitate mare wi-fi, acesta e mai degrabă un avantaj decât o problemă.

Ne bucurăm să vedem o rezoluţie atât de mare la această tabletă, mai ales că unul din jocurile noastre preferate, Vendetta-Online, este deja disponibil pe Android Market dar avea nevoie de o tableta Android cu o rezoluţie minimă de 600 de pixeli pentru a fi cu adevărat jucabil. Evident cu Xoom rezoluţia nu va mai fi un impediment.

Aşteptăm părerile voastre despre concurenţa tabletelor şi vrem să ştim ce v-a convins să cumpăraţi o tabletă sau alta.

În continuare puteţi accesa comunicatul de presă în limba engleză al celor de la Motorola.

Motorola Mobility Brings MOTOROLA XOOM™ Wi-Fi to United States

Innovative new tablet experience to be available from more than seven leading retailers nationwide

LIBERTYVILLE, Ill., March 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ – Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: MMI), today announced the upcoming availability of MOTOROLA XOOM™ Wi-Fi edition from leading retailers across the United States starting March 27., Best Buy, Costco, RadioShack, Sam’s Club (select locations), Staples and Walmart will be offering the 10.1-inch widescreen HD tablet with Android™ 3.0 (Honeycomb) through both online and retail store channels. The MSRP for MOTOROLA XOOM Wi-Fi with 32 GB of memory will be $599.

„MOTOROLA XOOM is a truly innovative tablet – its design, coupled with being the first tablet to have Android 3.0, results in a user experience that is one-of-a-kind,” said Dan Papalia, vice president of retail sales for Motorola Mobility. „We are now continuing to expand the choices available to consumers with the MOTOROLA XOOM Wi-Fi to be available soon from numerous leading retailers in the United States.”

In addition, the MOTOROLA XOOM Wi-Fi will be available to commercial IT channels and regional retailers through a distribution agreement with Synnex Corporation, and regional carriers through Brightpoint, Inc.

MOTOROLA XOOM showcases the innovations of the Honeycomb user experience – including widgets, true multi-tasking, browsing, notifications and customization – on a 10.1-inch widescreen HD display, enabling video content that’s richer and clearer than ever before. With a 1GHz dual-core processor and 1 GB of RAM, MOTOROLA XOOM delivers exceptionally fast web-browsing performance. The latest Google Mobile services include Google Maps 5.0™ with 3D interaction and access to more than 3 million Google eBooks and apps from Android Market™. MOTOROLA XOOM also supports a Beta of Adobe® Flash® Player 10.2 downloadable from Android Market, enabling the delivery of rich Flash based web content including videos, casual games and rich Internet applications.

As the first device running Android 3.0, MOTOROLA XOOM benefits from our aggressive work with developers across the ecosystem through MOTODEV, Motorola’s developer support program to enable world-class tablet and smartphone experiences. These devices will be able to access more than 150,000 applications within the Android Market as well as the rapidly increasing number of applications optimized directly for the Android 3.0 OS. In addition, thousands of Flash-based web applications and sites will become available for the MOTOROLA XOOM.

As a part of the company’s commitment and leadership – along with Google’s – to the Android ecosystem, Motorola announced a series of global developer events in 11 cities across North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia. These MOTODEV events give developers access to tools, support and Motorola’s team of Android experts. The first of these events was hosted in San Francisco on March 1 and had more than 665 developers in attendance.

MOTODEV also recently announced a new testing and certification program for Honeycomb applications, encouraging developers to submit their applications to get early feedback and support on MOTOROLA XOOM performance. This is a part of the company’s ongoing commitment to supporting the ecosystem in delivering high quality experiences to the consumer.

More information about MOTODEV tools, resources and events can be found at

About Motorola Mobility
Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: MMI) fuses innovative technology with human insights to create experiences that simplify, connect and enrich people’s lives. Our portfolio includes converged mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets; wireless accessories; end-to-end video and data delivery; and management solutions, including set-tops and data-access devices. For more information, visit

MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC. Android, Google, Google Mobile and Google Maps are trademarks of Google Inc. All other product and service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. 

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