De la CATV la IPTV cu Motorola Televation

Televation, descrisă ca un „Live Streaming Device” este un produs nou lansat de Motorola pentru a uşura vizionarea programelor TV recepţionate prin cablu pe toate calculatoarele din casă. Practic Motorola Televation preia semnalul TV digital, recepţionat ca MPEG-2 şi îl transformă în stream-uri IP de tip MPEG-4 pe care le pune la dispoziţie celorlalte device-uri din reţeaua locală, cum ar fi tablete Android sau iOS, televizoare conectate prin ethernet sau calculatoare personale.

Nu vom intra în foarte multe detalii despre acest produs fiindcă el nu este disponibil încă pe piaţa din România, singurele rezultate obţinute la o căutare pe domenii .ro cu termenii cheie fiind câteva rezultate spam-ate de nişte pseudo-bloguri de IT care nu sunt altceva decât site-uri fantomă.

Vom mai menţiona că înainte de a vă aventura să achiziţionaţi un asftel de gadget ar trebui să verificaţi cu operatorul vostru de cablu că veţi putea înlocui settop box-ul vostru existent cu o sculă de acest gen.

Pe pagina următoare puteţi citi, în engleză, comunicatul de presă complet al celor de la Motorola.

Motorola Mobility Introduces Live Streaming Device For All the Other Screens in the Home

The new Motorola Televation™ product securely streams subscription TV to IP devices connected to the home Wi-Fi network

June 13, 2011

CHICAGO, Ill – June 13, 2011 – Motorola Mobility Inc. (NYSE: MMI) today announced the availability of Motorola Televation™, a broadband device that works with a Wi-Fi router to allow consumers to watch live TV on a connected IP device anywhere around the home, whether they are preparing food in the kitchen or relaxing in the backyard.

According to Motorola’s 2010 Media Engagement Barometer research, Americans watch an average of 21 hours of video content a week and about 86 percent pay for TV service. Furthermore, in May 2011, Motorola conducted focus groups with consumers in the New York and Los Angeles metro markets. In many cases, consumers liked the idea of watching live TV somewhere other than a traditional family room and felt it would allow them to spend more time with loved ones if they had the ability to watch different programs in the same room.

„Consumers love entertainment, and want easy access to TV no matter where they are in the home. Coupled with the explosive popularity of tablet devices, this represents a terrific opportunity for MSOs to increase customer satisfaction while generating new revenue,” said John Burke, senior vice president and general manager, Converged Experiences, Motorola Mobility. „Televation gives our customers the ability to launch a new service that puts innovation back into TV, enabling their subscribers to enjoy TV beyond the TV.”

Televation employs a 1GHz digital tuner and CableCard to access broadcast TV channels directly from a coax outlet. The device has a high-performance transcoder that translates programming in real-time from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4, as well as changing resolution and bit rate to match the capabilities of the consumer’s viewing device while maintaining excellent picture quality. The device has an Ethernet jack to plug directly into the home Wi-Fi router so the TV show can be wirelessly streamed over IP to any device connected to the home network. To keep the programming secure while it is being streamed, and to preserve the digital rights associated with the program, Televation utilizes Motorola’s SecureMedia IPRM-HN technology. IPRM-HN has been approved by both CableLabs and the DTLA (Digital Transmission Licensing Administrator), giving content owners peace of mind that their valuable asset remains safe.

Motorola provides Software Development Kits (SDKs) for both Android and iOS development environments, so customers can easily develop client applications that enable the subscriber to navigate, discover and select the show they want to watch. Motorola also provides a reference client application for tablet devices that can be easily branded, giving customers an alternative to developing their own application. Motorola worked closely with engineers at Comcast Innovation Labs to develop Televation.

„Motorola shares our focus on developing innovative consumer entertainment experiences, and we’re pleased to have been able to work with them on Televation,” said Tony Werner, executive vice president and chief technology officer for Comcast. „As the digital home continues to evolve, Televation is one of many tools that MSOs can use to give consumers a more portable TV experience in the home so they can watch anytime and anywhere.”

As the developer of the Motorola XOOM™, the award winning tablet powered by Android, and Televation, Motorola is uniquely positioned to provide converged experiences that empower people to enjoy their favorite content where and when they want. Televation will be showcased at the 2011 Cable Show in Motorola’s booth #609 and in the Comcast booth #1201, June 14-16, in Chicago, IL.

For more information about Motorola Televation, please visit here.
About Motorola Mobility
Motorola Mobility, Inc. (NYSE:MMI) fuses innovative technology with human insights to create experiences that simplify, connect and enrich people’s lives. Our portfolio includes converged mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets; wireless accessories; end-to-end video and data delivery; and management solutions, including set-tops and data-access devices. For more information, visit 

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